An auspicious day, 22nd November 2024, the Investiture Ceremony of the Primary, a memorable moment, where the junior Student Leaders were donned with sashes and badges. An honorary occasion when the school entrusts responsibility to the newly appointed junior Student Council. The ceremony was conducted with solemnity and passion, in the presence of the Principal, Ms. Hussaina, the Senior Leadership Team, Parents and Staff. The UAE National Anthem, Quran recitation, welcome address, badging ceremony, oath taking, and congratulatory messages, all conducted with due respect. Each member of the Student Council was donned with the mantle of leadership, to discharge the responsibilities entrusted to them by the school. They took the pledge ensuring to keep the flag of the school flying high in every way possible. The young leaders were congratulated with the advice to be role models and to lead by example. It was not only a day of installation of the junior Students Leaders, but it was also a day of appreciating the exemplary Academic Achievements of our Outstanding Students of the Academic Year (2023-24). It was a proud moment of recognition for the success of their hard work and perseverance. Congratulations to all our newly invested junior Students Leaders as well as to our outstanding Academic Achievers! The program ended on a joyful note with words of gratitude, to all present.